Black Sea and Balkans Security Forum 2017 (8 iunie)

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Black Sea and Balkans Security Forum 2017 (8 iunie)

Peste 200 de experți în probleme de securitate, diplomați, istorici, politologi, doctoranzi și masteranzi au participat în perioada 8-9 iunie la conferința „Black Sea and Balkans Security Forum – 2017”. Evenimentul internațional a fost organizat la Constanța de către New Strategy Center, în parteneriat cu Universitatea Ovidius din Constanța, Zona Metropolitană Constanța și Institutul Diplomatic Român.

Conferința a beneficiat de expertiza unor oficiali români și ai NATO, precum și a unor reputați experți din SUA, Marea Britanie, Israel, Italia, Polonia, dar și din regiunea Balcanilor si a Mării Negre: Turcia, Grecia, Ucraina, Republica Moldova, Azerbaidjan, Georgia, Serbia, Croatia, Muntenegru.

Deschiderea oficială

Mr. Ionel Nițu |president of New Strategy Center|,
Mr. Decebal Făgădău |Mayor of Constanța|,
Mr. Sorin Rugină |rector of the Ovidius University Constanța|,
Mr. Dan Petre |director of the Romanian Diplomatic Institute|

Panel I – Security challenges in the Black Sea area and the Balkans (open session)

ChairAmbassador Sergiu Celac |member of the Scientific Council of the New Strategy Center|
Ambassador Sorin Ducaru |Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges, NATO|
Mr. Victor Micula |Secretary of state, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Romania|

Panel II – Cyber security and its growing challenges (open session)

ChairMr. Gabriel Mazilu |advisor to Government, Romania|
Ambassador Sorin Ducaru |Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges, NATO|
Mr. Augustin Jianu |Minister of Communications, Romania|
Mrs. Melissa Hathaway |former director of the Joint Interagency Cyber Task Force at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence during the George W. Bush Administration, USA|
Mr. Anton Rog |Head of the National Cyberint Center, the Romanian Intelligence Service, Romania|
Mr. Tal Pavel |research fellow, International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT), Israel|

Panel III a – Energy security: a common issue in the Balkans and the Black Sea (Chatham House rules)

ChairMr. Dan Petre |director of the Romanian Diplomatic Institute|
Mr. Theodoros Tsakiris, |research fellow at Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), Greece|
Mrs. Mariana Gheorghe |CEO OMV Petrom, Romania|
Ms. Gulmira Rzayeva |senior research fellow at Strateji Arasdimalar Merkezi (SAM), Azerbaijan|
Ms. Natalia Shatirishvili |lead researcher, World Experience for Georgia (WEG), Georgia|

Panel III b –The Balkans and the Black Sea area: confrontation region for the information war (Chatham House rules)

ChairMr. Dan Dima |member of the Scientific Council of the New Strategy Center|
Colonel Aivar Jaeski |deputy Director of NATO Center of Excellence STRATCOM Riga, Latvia|
Mr. Dan Mihalache |ambassador of Romania to UK, Romania|
Mr. Yevhen Mahda |associate professor Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine|
Mr. Iulian Chifu |president of CPC EW, Bucharest, Romania|
Mr. Igor Munteanu |president 0f IDIS “Viitorul”, Republic of Moldova|
Ms. Milena Bešić |executive director of CEDEM – Centre for Democracy and Human Rights, Montenegro|