On November 21st, there was held the closing ceremony of the ‘Security and Responsibility’ Training Program, organized by the New Strategy Center in partnership with the two Commissions for Defense within the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. The participants at this training program were the experts within the defense committees of the Parliament, the counselors of the members of the defense committees, as well as the experts activating in the commissions with responsibilities on the national security field of the parliamentarian political parties.
The program took place in September 12th – November 21st, and included 8 panels. New Strategy Center benefited from the expertise of foreign and Romanian lecturers, from the Romanian Defense Staff, the Romanian Intelligence Service, CyberInt. We express our gratitude both to the lecturers and to the participants, as well as to the presidents of the defense committees who supported this endeavor: deputy Dorel Căprar, senator Liviu Brăiloiu, and senator Marcel Vela.