Consultation session between NSC and Israeli experts

Consultation session between NSC and Israeli experts

New Strategy Center organized between the 2nd and the 4th of March a consultation session on strategic issues with Israeli experts with extensive experience in the field of security and international relations, representatives of Abba Eban Institute, Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) and ELNET`s Forum of Strategic Dialogue.

The Romanian and Israeli experts discussed topics of common interest, such as the evolution of the war in Ukraine and its impact on the future security architecture, global energy, and food security in the context of the war in Ukraine, the security situation in the Middle East, the relations between the European Union and Israel, respectively between the US, Romania and Israel. At the same time, Romanian experts presented their own assessments of the security situation in the Republic of Moldova.

Another topic addressed by the Romanian and Israeli experts was bilateral relations and their potential for development.


Through this initiative, the New Strategy Center, together with the Abba Eban Institute, Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) and ELNET`s Forum of Strategic Dialogue, is contributing to the development of strategic dialogue between Romania and Israel and to the creation of a cooperation mechanism in the area of independent expertise in the security and foreign affairs fields, for a better understanding of developments in the wider Black Sea region, namely the Middle East and North Africa.