Cooperation Protocol NSC-IPSE, France

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Cooperation Protocol NSC-IPSE, France

New Strategy Center has signed a cooperation agreement with the Institut Prospective & Sécurité en Europe (IPSE) in France. The aim of the memorandum is to establish a framework for ongoing cooperation, including the organisation of joint events, cooperation in various international projects, and the carrying out of analyses and studies on topics of mutual interest in the field of security and international relations. This memorandum is part of the NSC’s efforts to develop and strengthen a network of partnerships at European level, facilitating an exchange of expertise between partners with common interests in order to better understand the security challenges faced by European states in different geographical regions.

Institut Prospective et Sécurité en Europe (IPSE) / Institute for Prospective and European Security, is a Paris-based think-tank created in 1988. The primary goal of IPSE is to analyze major trends in European and international security. It publishes policy analyses, advisory notes, and academic articles on topics ranging from the Middle East and North Africa to Sub-Saharan Africa, Central Africa, the Persian Gulf, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and South-East Asia.
The agreement was signed on behalf of the New Strategy Center by Mr. George Scutaru, CEO, and on behalf of IPSE by Emmanuel Dupuy, President of the organisation.