NSC at Black Sea Maritime Forum”

NSC at Black Sea Maritime Forum”

New Strategy Center participated in the “Black Sea Maritime Forum” conference organized by the Romanian Naval Forces Staff on April 4, 2024.
MG (ret.) Paul Hurmuz, senior associate expert, moderated the panel “The Black Sea`s Role in the Global Economy and Energy Sectors”. Speakers highlighted the strategic importance of the Black Sea region from various perspectives such as security, economic and energy. Discussions focused on the energy resources present in the Black Sea, highlighting their crucial role in global energy markets and ensuring energy security. Panellists stressed the importance of developing infrastructure in the Black Sea region to improve connectivity and facilitate trade. To ensure energy security and resilience, there is an urgent need to diversify energy sources in the Black Sea region. This includes exploring renewable energy options.Collaboration between Black Sea littoral states and international partners was also discussed, with participants stressing the importance of dialogue and cooperation in addressing common challenges and maximising common opportunities.
The panel also highlighted the disruptive impact of Russian disinformation campaigns in the Black Sea region. Such campaigns can undermine stability and hamper cooperation efforts.
Speakers on the panel included Brenda Shaffer, Research Fellow, Energy Academic Group, Naval Postgraduate School, Rear Admiral Liviu Coman, Commander, Romanian Naval Forces Maritime Component, Lawrence Walzer, Program Manager, Energy Academic Group, Naval Postgraduate School and Captain Robert Dunn, Director for Information Operations, US Naval Forces Europe.