New Strategy Center took part in the ‘Timeline Defence Conference’ on Monday, December 4, an event organized by the French Embassy and Institute for International Relations. NSC was represented by Major General (Ret.) Paul Hurmuz, Senior Associate Expert at New Strategy Center.
The conference focused on safety and security concerns in the context of the Ukraine-Russia war, with a special emphasis on the role of Romania and the Black Sea region. Key topics discussed included the roles of NATO, the European Union, and France in maintaining military, energy, civil, and food security in the region. As a result, the necessity for these organizations to continue making decisions to uphold critical strategic importance and prevent potential Russian invasion was heavily highlighted.
A significant portion of the conference was dedicated to debating the concept of deterrence and its crucial role in current geopolitical scenarios. The enhancement and sustenance of Romania-France relations, particularly in relation to the NATO bases in Romania, were discussed as pivotal in maintaining and increasing regional security.
The need for tailored diplomacy and strategic planning as tools for successful outcomes was underscored. Major General (Retired) Paul Hurmuz, provided an in-depth analysis of the Russian threats in the Black Sea, should there be an escalated attack with expansionist aims. He outlined concerns over Russia’s strong military presence, its control over a network of gas pipelines, threats to critical gas projects like Neptune Deep, capabilities in undersea warfare, potential attacks on grain facilities impacting food security, and the advancement of hybrid warfare tactics including cyber operations, propaganda, and disinformation.
The other speakers were: General Loic Girard of SNR and NATO; Ms. Liana Negoiță, Defence Policy Director, Ministry of National Defence, Romania; Colonel (R.) Guillaume Garnier from the Think Tank, IFRI; and Colonel Pierre Pacqueteau, Defence Attaché from the MoD, France.
The ‘Timeline Defence Conference’ thus served as a crucial platform for discussing and strategizing over the multifaceted security challenges faced by the region in the wake of the ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict.