NSC in the USA: meetings at the State Department, Congress, and with American think tanks.

NSC in the USA: meetings at the State Department, Congress, and with American think tanks.

During their documentation visit to the USA, NSC experts had meetings at the US Department of State and the Armed Services Committee of the US House of Representatives within the Congress, as well as with security and foreign affairs experts from the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Woodrow Wilson Center, and The Heritage Foundation.


NSC experts presented their assessments regarding possible developments on the front in Ukraine, the security situation in the Black Sea region, challenges to freedom of navigation, energy stakes in the region, and Russia’s hybrid actions. The discussions highlighted Romania’s efforts to ensure freedom of navigation in the area under its naval forces’ responsibility.

Romanian specialists have argued for the presence of a comprehensive US strategy focused on the Black Sea, with defined goals and resources, to address various threats in the region, and to capitalize on the opportunities arising from connectivity and energy resources in the area. They also emphasized the significance of ongoing assistance to Ukraine, even amidst challenging circumstances like other significant security crises, such as those in the Middle East.


Along with NSC experts, George Scutaru, CEO, and Antonia Colibășanu, senior associate expert, the Romanian delegation has two additional members who have also participated in discussions: Prof. Silviu Nate, Director of the Global Studies Center at the University of Sibiu, and Commander Zaharia Milu, Commander of the “Pontica” Naval Logistics Base.

The New Strategy Center thanks the Embassy of Romania in the USA for the support provided, as well as Commander Zaharia Milu, representative of the Naval Forces General Staff, for the involvement and presence at some meetings in the program, the American discussion partners appreciating the complementary nature of the expressed viewpoints and the expertise of the Romanian participants.