

Panel Xa. Migration and Border Security: New Challenges for Europe – in partnership with the Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO), Croatia


Panel Xb. New and Old Challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean Area  – in cooperation with the Abba Eban Institute, Israel


Panel Xc. Impact of the Russia`s war in Ukraine on the Post-Soviet Space. – in partnership with the Caucasus Institute, Armenia


Panel XIa. Strategic Thinking in Times of Crisis. Managing Threats and Seizing Opportunities


Panel XIb. NATO Defence Policy and Host Nation Strategic Infrastructure. Smart Investments in Security


Panel XIc. Future Russian Cooperation with China and Iran. Strategic Association or Opportunistic Collaboration? – in partnership with the Council on Geostrategy, UK


Panel XIIa. How to Avoid War Fatigue in the Western World? Coping with Economic Crisis and Social Problems while Resisting Kremlin’s aggressive autocracy


Panel XIIb. France’s Black Sea Strategy. Policy shift or long-term commitment?


Panel XIIIa. Transatlantic Cooperation and the Challenges Posed by the Russia`s War in Ukraine. Stronger Together!


Panel XIIIb. Prospects for Turkiye’s Foreign and Security Policy in the Current Security Context – in partnership with The Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA), Turkiye



Panel XIVa. Challenges to Western Military Capabilities in the Light of the Russia`s  Ukraine War – in partnership with the Centre for the Study of the New Generation Warfare, USA





Panel XIVb. Russia`s War in Ukraine and Its Impact on the Naval Domain



 Panel XVa. European Strategic Autonomy in the Next Decade. Reality or Utopia? – in partnership with Elcano Royal Institute, Spain



Panel XVb. War and Disinformation. The Struggle for Truth After a Year of War – in partnership with the ”Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy, Romania



Panel XVcSecurity and Enlargement. EU Policy Towards the Western Balkans and the Black Sea Region as related to the Current Security Crisis – in partnership with the Institute for Liberty and Democracy, Romania



 Panel XVI. One Front, One Vision, One Strategy. NATO’s Deterrence and Defence Policy Against Russian Aggression on the Eastern Flank



Panel XVII. Democracy vs. Autocracy. Russia`s War in Ukraine and the Answer of the Democratic World