New Strategy Center organized a new online conference on Tuesday, April 28, dedicated to the challenges faced by the North Atlantic-Alliance caused by the COVID19 pandemic. The conference entitled “NATO and the Pandemic: Short Term and Long Run Challenges” benefited from the participation of General (Ret) Sir James Everard, former Deputy Supreme Allied Commander in Europe and Lieutenant General Daniel Petrescu, Chief of the Romanian Defense Staff.
The discussion moderated by Ambassador Sorin Ducaru, Honorary President of the Scientific Council of the New Strategy Center, stressed the importance of maintaining and strengthening NATO cohesion and coordinated response capacity during crises, including in the event of health threats. The Alliance will continue to face classic and emerging security challenges and keep its focus on the Eastern Flank. The Black Sea region remains an important strategic area for NATO and EU security, and Romania will continue its efforts to increase its own capacity for deterrence and defense. Increasing the resilience of the North Atlantic Alliance to a wide range of threats remains a priority, in a volatile global context that indicates the need to formulate common responses to far-reaching challenges.