New Strategy Center and Polish Institute for International Relations – Warsaw Conference on the Eastern Partnership

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New Strategy Center and Polish Institute for International Relations – Warsaw Conference on the Eastern Partnership

The Polish Institute of International Relations (PISM) and New Strategy Center organized the conference “Eastern Partnership at 10: Appraisal and Prospects” in Warsaw on 8-9 April. Under the aegis of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU, with the support of the Romanian Embassy in Warsaw and the Polish MFA, the event allowed a substantive debate on the issue of the Eastern Partnership in the current European context. The conference was attended by Romanian and Polish officials, representatives of the European Commission and Ambassadors from the PaE states as well as the Warsaw academic community. The New Strategy Center was represented by Amb (Ret.) Gheorghe Magheru and Prof. Dan Dungaciu, members of the Scientific Council of the NSC.