The New Strategy experts, Mr. Cosmin Ioniță and Mr. Horia Ciurtin have conducted on 15 November a visit at the Institute for Comparative Law from Belgrade, Serbia. The host has organized a Chatham House debate which has been attended by representatives of the academic environment and think tanks in Serbia.
With this occasion, Mr. Cosmin Ioniță presented the paper The Balkans and the Black Sea – a complementary security area, highlighting that both the Western Balkans and the Black Sea are vulnerable currently to new opened conflicts or fueling the old latent ones. The latest developments proves that the risk of division has risen significantly, just as the prospect of having failed states in the EU neighborhoods. It seems also there is a departure from the interest for the Euro-Atlantic institutions. These reasons request a reaffirmation of the strategic interest from both NATO and EU for the Western Balkans and the Black Sea region.
At the reunion in Belgrade, Mr. Horia Ciurtin focused during his intervention on one of the dimensions of the complementarity between the Balkans and the Black Sea. The presentation the Dynamics of the trade and investments in the Black Sea and the Balkans. Legal framework, capital flows and important actors, Mr. Horia Ciurtin analyzed the economic cooperation and the regional interdependence.
The participation in the forum organized in Serbia has been done within the framework of the regional partnerships that New Strategy has been developing in order to improve the regional cooperation on topics of interest for Romania.