New Strategy Center was present at the Belgrade Security Conference, being represented by Roberta Răducu, expert in the field of communication, who participated as a speaker in the panel “Russia: A global Outcast or Still a Desirable Partner?”.
Participants debated Russia’s role in current conflicts, such as the war of aggression in Ukraine or the Hamas attack on Israel, as well as the information war generated by intense disinformation activity that serves Moscow’s political goals of destabilising NATO, the EU and democratic states. In the panel, the discussion about Russia’s desirability as a partner was debated from the perspective of European countries, the Balkan countries, relations with China, African countries, but also with Middle Eastern countries, with a focus on Israel, Palestine and Iran. The conclusions of the discussion indicate that the Russian discourse positions itself as an alternative to Western values and makes extensive use of facts taken out of context to gain sympathisers.

The Belgrade Security Conference is one of the biggest events in the sphere of security and international relations in the Balkans, this year taking place under the title “Reconstructing Global (Dis)Order”. The conference brings together over 500 participants and more than 50 speakers and is organised by the Belgrade Center for Security Policy, think thank partner of the New Strategy Center.