NSC project: Book launch – Dr. Harlan Ullman – “The Fifth Horseman and the New MAD”

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NSC project: Book launch – Dr. Harlan Ullman – “The Fifth Horseman and the New MAD”

On Thursday, September 2nd, the Romanian think-tank New Strategy Center will launch the volume “The Fifth Horseman and the New MAD.”, written by the American analyst Dr. Harlan Ullman. As an innovative analysis of the new strategic reality that the United States and the rest of the democratic world are currently facing, the book presents a series of possible scenarios designed to encourage the reader to reflect upon possible future developments. The afterword is written by the Romanian Minister of National Defense, Mr. Nicolae Ciucă, who characterizes Harlan Ullman as “a close friend of Romania, and a connoisseur of the realities of the Black Sea region, endowed with a fascinating personality and intellectual depth”.


The Romanian edition is published by Editura Militară (Military Publishing) and is the first translation of Dr. Harlan Ullman’s book. It is published in Romania at the initiative of New Strategy Center, as part of our efforts to contribute to the growth of the national security culture and to encourage a better understanding of the challenges we face in the difficult context created by the pandemic.

The book’s central idea is that the world at large is currently threatened by a new strategic reality. Through a concise and innovative analysis of the current situation, Dr. Harlan Ullman presents the way in which different disruptive elements, such as failed and failing government, climate change, cyber, social media, terror, debt, or drones intertwine, deepening the already existing societal divisions.

Dr. Harlan Ullman’s latest volume is of great relevance for Romanian readers, a book suitable not only for the specialized audience, but also for those who are interested in developments in international relations, the technological domain, or in the way new threats can influence our society and existence.

Dr. Harlan ULLMAN