New Strategy Center (NSC) and the Center for Eastern Studies (OSW) from Poland organized on Thursday, May 14, the online conference “The World after the Pandemic: Romanian and Polish Perspectives”. The most important NATO and EU states on the Eastern Flank must be able to cope together with the classic and emerging security challenges and to cooperate in the mitigation efforts of the negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. As the world is facing a major economic crisis, the defense budgets will be reduced in several NATO states, and each country will be concerned especially with internal issues, the question may arise on how to manage to keep the focus on the strategic importance of the Baltic region and the Black Sea region. We must have a unitary approach along the entire Eastern Flank and the role of Romania and Poland are very important in keeping coherence and cohesion going forward.
Participants benefited from the expertise of Mr. Adam Eberhardt, OSW Director, Ms. Justyna Gotkowska, OSW Program Coordinator, Ambassador Lazăr Comanescu, Member of the Scientific Council of NSC and Ambassador Sergiu Celac, Honorary President of NSC, moderator being Ambassador Doru Costea, Senior Associate Expert NSC.
The debate is a part of the dialogue of New Strategy Center with partners in Poland, aimed at strengthening the dialogue on issues of strategic interest at the level of experts and think-tanks.