New Strategy Center, in partnership with the Serbian think tank Belgrade Center for Security Policy (BCSP), publishes the study “The wider Balkan region at the crossroads of a new regional energy matrix”. The paper was presented in the “Energy Diversification in Southeast Europe” panel at the Belgrade Security Conference, which takes place between October 27 and 28 in the Serbian capital.
This study is the product of the collaboration between the two organizations, the authors being Sergiu Mitrescu, international relations expert, NSC, and Vuk Vuksanović, senior researcher at BCSP. The foreword is signed by Ambassador Victor Jackovich, the first US ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina, former ambassador to Slovenia and member of the International Advisory Council of the NSC.
The study analyzes the challenges faced by the Balkan region from an energy perspective and describes the struggle of different actors in the energy field, manifested especially through the emergence of new transport networks. The various interconnections built between the states in the region bring hope that this area will be fully integrated into the European gas network in the coming years. The complicated history of the Balkans and the relationship with Russia, still a very present actor in the region, especially from an energy point of view, creates a complex context. The study also takes into account the places that Serbia and Romania occupy in the European energy architecture, the bilateral cooperation possibilities, the degree of dependence on gas from Russia.
The study provides an opportunity to reflect on the systemic changes currently underway in the energy field and their deep geopolitical implications. The Black Sea has acquired a new regional importance, not only because of the security context created by the war in Ukraine, but also because of the change that may take place following gas discoveries in Romania’s exclusive economic zone, something that could turn the country into an important regional exporter.
“The wider Balkan region at the crossroads of a new regional energy matrix” emphasizes the importance of cooperation between regional states in their efforts to break away from Russia’s energy dependence and resource diversification. In these troubled times, states’ ability to secure their energy supplies will be determined by their ability to collaborate and balance short-term needs with long-term goals.
The study can be accessed here: The wider Balkan region at the crossroads of a new regional energy matrix