EVENT AGENDA – The event will be livestreamed starting at 5.00 PM (EEST).

Introductory remarks by the moderator: Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Vasile TOADER, member of the Scientific Council of the New Strategy Center

Vice-Admiral Mihai PANAIT, Chief of the Romanian Naval Forces
Mr. Kaush ARHA, Nonresident Senior Fellow, Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, Atlantic Council, former Senior Advisor on Strategic Engagement, United States Agency for International Development, USA (via VTC)
Ms. Antonia COLIBĂȘANU, Senior Associate Expert, New Strategy Center & Chief Operating Officer & Senior Geopolitical Analyst, Geopolitical Futures
Mr. Wilfried JILGE, Senior Adviser Ukraine and wider Black Sea, Stabilisation Platform, Germany (via VTC)
Mr. Mykhailo SAMUS, Director, New Geopolitics Research Network, Ukraine, non-rezident senior expert New Strategy Center, Ucraina (via VTC)
Mr. George SCUTARU, CEO, New Strategy Center, Romania

Open Discussion