30 Years Since the Dissolution of the USSR. The Impact on Western Europe

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30 Years Since the Dissolution of the USSR. The Impact on Western Europe

On Monday, December 13, 2021, the second debate in the series dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the disappearance of the Soviet Union, organized by the New Strategy Center, took place.
This time, the event followed the impact of the dissolution of the USSR in Western Europe and benefited from the contribution of renowned international experts such as Dr. Christopher Coker, Director of LSE IDEAS, London School of Economics, UK, Jean-Christophe Bas, Founder Global Compass, France, Dr. Charles Powell, President of the Royal Elcano Institute, Spain and General (res.) Vincenzo Camporini, Scientific Adviser, Institute of International Affairs – IAI, former Chief of the Defense Staff, Italy.

The conference was entitled “30 years since the dissolution of the USSR. The Impact on Western Europe” was moderated by Ambassador Gheorghe Magheru, Member of the Scientific Council, New Strategy Center. The discussion took into account the perception of Western Europe on this historic event in December 1991, the way in which the fall of the Iron Curtain in the Western chancelleries was felt and the prospects that were emerging at that time.

More details on the series of debates and agenda are available here: 30 Years Since the Dissolution of the USSR
The conference was broadcast live online, and registration is available below: