New Strategy Center and the Department of Armaments within the Ministry of National Defense organized on Thursday, 27 May, a new conference dedicated to the cooperation in the military-industrial field at EU level. Under the heading “European Defence Fund. Opportunities and benefits for Romanian industry”, the event assessed the lines of action of the European Defense Fund and of the programs that can be financed under this EU multi-annual budget fund, this conference being the second one held in 2021 on this subject. The objective of the event was to identify opportunities and benefits for the Romanian industry and for the research sector within the projects to be generated by the European Defence Fund (EDF).
At this event, the participants benefited from the presence of Mr. Cristian Bușoi, Chair of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, within the EU Parliament, Mrs. Irina Zidaru, General Director for Strategic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Mr. Mihai Iancu, Deputy Chief of the Department for Defence Policy, Planning and International Relations, Ministry of National Defence. The Brissels, the speakers were Mr. Timo Pesonen, Director-General, Directorate-General Defence Industry and Space, the European Commission, Ambassador Mihnea Motoc, Deputy Director of European Political Strategy Center (EPSC), European Commission, Mrs. Inge Ceuppens, Policy Officer, European Defence Fund – Research (DEFIS A2), Directorate-General Defence Industry and Space, European Commission. The event also benefited from the participation of Mrs. Daniela Nicolescu and Mr. Dragoș Ciuparu, State Secretaries in the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, respectively the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization. Several experts from Romanian institutions involved in the EDF and PESCO programs answered participants with a series of questions.
The conference, moderated by Major General Teodor Incicaș, Director General of the Department of Armaments, and George Scutaru, Director General of NSC, also aimed to strengthen the dialogue between the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Ministry of National Defence, the research sector, academia, representatives of the national industry and of some companies from the EU and NATO area with a long tradition in the defence field.
Event Program 27 May 2021[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]