Squaring the Circle: The (Improbable) Quest for Strategic Equilibrium in Turkish-Russian Relations

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Squaring the Circle: The (Improbable) Quest for Strategic Equilibrium in Turkish-Russian Relations

„Squaring the Circle: The (Improbable) Quest for Strategic Equilibrium in Turkish-Russian Relations” is a new study published by the New Strategy Center, representing a brief assessment of the relations between Russia and Turkey.
The analyze is written by Horia Ciurtin, associated expert at New Strategy Center, and benefits from an introduction by General (Ret.) Sir James Everard, former Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe (DSACEUR) and Honorary Chairman of the International Consultative Board of the New Strategy Center.

The study considers the asymmetrical relations of the two countries: the economic collaboration, the neutral but cordial approach on political issues, but also the attempts to avoid military confrontation on different disputes, such as Libya and Nagorno-Karabakh. The study is not only analyzing how the relationship between the two players has developed, but is also assessing their interdependencies and the consequences that a decay of these links may have. “In the context of such intense geopolitical movements, this study not only reminds us all of Turkey’s unique position within NATO, but is a welcome opportunity to reflect on the way history shapes the present” writes General (Ret.) Sir James Everard in the introduction of the study.

The study is available here:

Squaring the Circle: The (Improbable) Quest for Strategic Equilibrium in Turkish-Russian Relations