NSC was invited to take part in the International Experts Workshop “NATO in Times of Conflict and Change”, organized at Villa La Collina, Italy under the auspices of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.
Major General (Retired) Paul Hurmuz, Senior Associate Expert, was the chairman of the “Supporting Ukraine and Strengthening the Eastern Flank” Panel. He stressed the risks and threats generated by the Russian war against Ukraine, including military and hybrid operations against assets and territories of NATO states, the energy security aspects, the violation of the freedom of navigation in the Black Sea.
He also underlined the NATO, bilateral and regional measures taken until now on the Eastern Flank and the need to constantly adapt our posture in order to strengthen our deterrence and defence from the High North to the Black Sea.
The other speakers were: Colonel (ret.) Roderich Kiesewetter MP, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, CDU/CSU Parliamentary group in the German Bundestag, Berlin, Germany, Minna Alander, Research Fellow, NATO, Security in Northern Europe, Finish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki, Finland, Bart Kot | Program Director of the Warsaw Security Forum, Warsaw, Poland, Daivis Petraitis, Chief adviser/Deputy department director at Lithuanian Ministry of Defence, Vilnius, Lithuania, Daniel Andrä | Foreign and Security Policy Advisor to the parliamentary group chairman CDU/CSU German Bundestag, Berlin, Germany.