NSC: projects in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine

NSC: projects in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine

Representatives of the NSC met on Wednesday, September 11, with members of the Romanian community in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine.
George Scutaru, Director General of NSC and Ecaterina Dadiverina, Coordinator of the NSC’s Projects Department for Ukraine, visited the school in the village of Probotești, where the heating system was modernized as a result of the support provided by NSC.
This meeting was attended by the Romanian Consul in Chernivtsi, Mrs. Irina Stănculescu, students and teachers.
This school has 117 students, so that access to education is no longer restricted by the weather conditions, lessons being difficult to hold during the winter. Together with Mrs. Cristina Chiriac, President of CONAF, NSC offered books and sweets to the children of the school in Probotești.

Another project supported by NSC is the repair of the roof of the school in Cireș, which will be finalized in the near future.
NSC is grateful for the support of the company Hidro Salt B-92, as well as the Romanian Ladies’ Society in Chernivtsi and the Romanian Consulate in Chernivtsi.
The NSC representatives also met with Maria Ursulean, a student at the “Yurii Fedkovich” University, majoring in Romanian philology. Since this year, the student is benefiting from a scholarship from the NSC, which allows her to study in good conditions. After graduating, Maria will teach Romanian to children in the Chernivtsi region.
NSC would like to thank the Romanian Consulate in Chernivtsi and Mrs. Consul Irina Stănculescu, as well as Mr. Victor Micula, Romanian Ambassador in Kyiv for their support in the implementation of these projects.