NSC in the USA: Meetings with American experts and discussions about the importance of freedom of navigation in the Black Sea.

NSC in the USA: Meetings with American experts and discussions about the importance of freedom of navigation in the Black Sea.

The NSC experts held further discussions with American security and foreign affairs experts in Washington, during meetings at the Atlantic Council, Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), Hudson Institute.

Romanian experts presented different scenarios on the evolution of the conflict in Ukraine and called for continued support for Ukraine’s resistance. They also addressed the security situation in Moldova and the Russian pressures there. Moreover, they discussed challenges in the maritime domain that impact freedom of navigation, along with the threats from the Black Sea on global food security.

Discussions also addressed energy security, including Romania’s Exclusive Economic Zone developments and the impact of gas reserve discoveries on regional supply. Topics of interest also included threats from Russia in hybrid warfare, electronic warfare activities targeting ship communications, the danger of mines, and Romania’s efforts to maintain safe navigation routes.

Experts from the New Strategy Center visited the USA in Washington from April 15-19 for a series of meetings and events aimed at highlighting the strategic importance of the Black Sea region in the context of Russia’s aggressive war against Ukraine.

The New Strategy Center also presented the study “The Battle for the Black Sea is not over” in Washington, conducted in collaboration with Hudson. The study authors are George Scutaru, CEO of New Strategy Center, Antonia Colibasanu, senior expert associated with New Strategy Center, Matthew Boyse, Senior Fellow at Hudson Institute, and Mykhailo Samus, Director of the New Geopolitics Research Network in Ukraine.

The New Strategy Center expresses gratitude to Leviatan Group for supporting this project.

The study is available here: The Battle for the Black Sea is not over

Alongside the NSC experts, the Romanian delegation included Prof. Silviu Nate, Director of the Center for Global Studies at the University of Sibiu, and Commander Zaharia Milu, Commander of the Naval Logistics Base “Pontica.”

The New Strategy Center thanks the Romanian Embassy in the USA and Commander Zaharia Milu from the Naval Forces General Staff for their involvement and presence in the program meetings, with American discussion partners appreciating the complementary nature of the views expressed and the expertise of the Romanian participants.