FLANKS Policy Brief – Russia and Frozen Conflicts in the Black Sea Region

FLANKS Policy Brief – Russia and Frozen Conflicts in the Black Sea Region

2020, October

FLANKS Policy Brief – Russia and Frozen Conflicts in the Black Sea Region  – conducted during  FLANKS research project,  carried out in partnership between the New Strategy Center and the Norwegian Institute for International Affairs (NUPI) between 2020-2021.

This policy brief examines the role frozen conflicts play in Russian policy towards the Black Sea Region and measures that could be taken to limit the negative impact of this policy in the region. Its focus is on the four frozen conflicts existing in the post-Soviet space – Transnistria in Moldova, Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia, and Nagorno Karabakh in Azerbaijan, as well as on the more recent conflict in Eastern Ukraine that has many features characteristic of frozen conflicts.
This material presents the most important findings and conclusions presented in more detail in the FLANKS Working Paper The tail wagging the dog. Frozen conflicts – the precursors of trouble to come prepared by members of the FLANKS project.

Authors: Dan Dungaciu, Jakub Godzimirski

Download PDF: FLANKS Policy Brief – Russia and Frozen Conflicts in the Black Sea Region