The reconstruction of Ukraine. The topic of a new NSC study

The reconstruction of Ukraine. The topic of a new NSC study
New Strategy Center publishes a new study, „Throughout the Winters of our Discontent: A Synchronous Approach to the Reconstruction of Ukraine”, authored by New Strategy Center expert Horia Ciurtin.
The study starts from the premise that Ukraine’s reconstruction involves more than rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure in a post-war context, but is a process that begins during the war and involves the rise of Kyiv’s regional and global status as an integrated part of the Euro-Atlantic community. The reconstruction process must run in parallel with that of sending military aid. Among the sectors most affected by the war are agriculture and real estate, where considerable investment will be needed.
The analysis also describes the various ways in which reconstruction aid is being provided to Ukraine, be it through the involvement of international organisations or regional sharing of reconstruction between Ukraine’s allies in the form of ‘constructive competition’. At the same time, Ukraine’s neighbouring countries can play a key role, as Romania can be a real logistical hub for foreign companies involved in the reconstruction process.