Preparations for a Ukrainian counteroffensive seem closer than ever, as both sides claim different narratives regarding frontline results.
New Strategy Center are plăcerea de a vă prezenta un nou produs: un newsletter lunar prin care încercăm să evidențiem cele mai importante evenimente care influențează regiunea extinsă a Balcanilor și Mării Negre, evenimente care au potențialul de a afecta nu doar stabilitatea regională, ci și pe cea europeană. Produsul furnizează o vedere de ansamblu asupra contextului regiunii și este destinat atât specialiștilor cât și tuturor celor interesați de dinamica din regiunea Mării negre și a Balcanilor.
Sperăm ca 2B Brief Newsletter se va dovedi o resursă valoroasă pentru dumneavoastră.
Septembrie 2023
Preparations for a Ukrainian counteroffensive seem closer than ever, as both sides claim different narratives regarding frontline results.
August 2023
Preparations for a Ukrainian counteroffensive seem closer than ever, as both sides claim different narratives regarding frontline results.
Iunie 2023
Preparations for a Ukrainian counteroffensive seem closer than ever, as both sides claim different narratives regarding frontline results.
Aprilie 2023
On the Ukrainian front, Russia is building defensive lines, preparing for a Ukrainian counter-offensive. Kiev continues to receive significant military aid from the West such as HIMARS or Patriot systems.
Martie 2023
Bakhmut and Avdiivka were the main theaters of hostilities between Russia and Ukraine. As Russia’s offensive is waning, Ukraine might seize the initiative by launching a counteroffensive, whose scope is yet to be determined.
Februarie 2023
This month has marked one year since the start of Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine. On the frontlines, Bakhmut remains the main battleground. Ukraine continues receiving significant military and financial support, especially from the United States and the EU member states.
Ianuarie 2023
This month, the most heated warzones in Ukraine were Bakhmut and Soledar. Despite Russian bombardments, Ukraine has shown an increased capacity for intercepting aerial attacks. Meanwhile, increased Russian military activity was reported in Belarus.
Decembrie 2022
No side made major military advances in the Ukraine war during December. The weather conditions and the increasing weapons’ shortage made kinetic warfare difficult.
Noiembrie 2022
No side made major military advances in the Ukraine war during December. The weather conditions and the increasing weapons’ shortage made kinetic warfare difficult.
Octombrie 2022
No side made major military advances in the Ukraine war during December. The weather conditions and the increasing weapons’ shortage made kinetic warfare difficult.